Laboratory and experimental support for education and scientific-research projects in the subjects of Manufacturing Automation.
- Laboratory exercises at undergraduate and graduate education level in the subject of Manufacturing Automation, Computer Control and Supervisory in Manufacturing Automation and Programmable Control Systems;
-Seminar works, Diploma works, Specialist works, MSc and PhD theses,
-Scientific-research projects in cooperation with industrial companies.
Programmable controllers

INFO/73, Informatika Beograd |

IPK-11, ISKRA Kibernetika |

 TRAYAL family of modular pneumatic robots |
TRAYAL family of modular pneumatic robots - components |
 Part of Laboratory - Educational laboratory desktop equipped with a larger number of electric, pneumatic, electro-pneumatic and other components and TRAYAL modular pneumatic robots |
In the Laboratory a number of programming systems are available for programming and programmable controllers testing. Examples are:
-IpicDESIGN – dialog-graphic system for progarmming and testing of programmable controllers Informatika of INFO/73 series (Ladder diagram-based language),
- Infocontrol SCADA software,
-IPN 30 – dialog-graphic system for programming and testing of programmable controllers ISKRA of IPK series (instructions list based language)
Research program is oriented to modern concepts of automation (numerically controlled machine tools and CNC control units, industrial manipulators and robots control, programmable controllers and other computers used in manufacturing automation control) and developing of the basis for programmable and flexible automation and flexible factories of the future.
Scientific-research and development laboratory activities are realized through projects funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Republic of Serbia and the industry.
 Example - Part of the Flexible assembly line (Project: University of Belgrade faculty of Mechanical Engineering - HGI "Miloje Zakić", 1992-1994). |