Selected projects:
- Technological conceptual design of factory of equipment and turbomachinery (RTB Bor)
- Technological conceptual design of the factory of spare parts for mining equipment(RTB Bor)
- Intelligent manufacturing systems
- Modern methods for design of products and technologies
- Intelligent manufacturing systems and factories of the future
- Powder metallurgy technology
- Development of automated design of manufacturing systems and processes
- Main project of the workshop for manufacturing of spare parts for mining equipment (Kosovo Obilic – Lazarevac)
- An innovative ecologically based approach to implementation of intelligent manufacturing systems for production of sheet metal parts
- Main project of the Mechanical engineering laboratory – Skolkovo R&D center, Moscow Russia
Selected publications:
Monographs and books:
- Babić B., FLEXY – Intelligent manufacturing system for FMS design, monograf (in Serbian), University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISBN 86-7083-250-X (1994)
- Kalajdžić M. Tanović Lj., Babić B., Glavonjić M., Miljković Z., Puzović R., Kokotović B., Popović M., Živanović S., Tošić D., Vasić I., Cutting technology – Handbook (in Serbian), University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, (Editions 1998, 1999, 2001, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2012).
- Babić B., Process planning, (in Serbian), University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, (Editions 1999, 2006).
Articles in leading international journals:
- Babić B., Axiomatic design of flexible manufacturing systems, International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 37, No. 5, (pp. 1159-1173), (1999)
- Babić B., Nešić N., Miljković Z., A review of automated feature recognition with rule-based pattern recognition, Computers in Industry, Vol. 59 No. 4, (pp. 321–337), (2008)
- Babic B.R, Miljkovic Z, Vukovic N, Antic V (2012) Towards Implementation and Autonomous Navigation of An Intelligent Automated Guided Vehicle in Material Handling Systems, IRANIAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY-TRANSACTIONS OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, vol. 36, (M1), pp. 25-40
- Babic B.R, Nesic N, Miljkovic Z.(2011) Automatic feature recognition using artificial neural networks to integrate design and manufacturing: Review of automatic feature recognition systems, AI EDAM-ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE FOR ENGINEERING DESIGN ANALYSIS AND MANUFACTURING, vol. 25, (3), pp 289-304
- Stamenkovic D.,Kojic D.,Matija L. ,Miljkovic Z., Babic B. (2010) Physical Properties Of Contact Lenses Characterized By Scanning Probe Microscopy And Optomagnetic Fingerprint, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS B, vol. 24, (6-7), pp 825-834
- Bojovic B., Miljkovic Z., Babic B., Koruga Dj. (2009) Fractal Analysis For Biosurface Comparison And Behaviour Prediction, HEMIJSKA INDUSTRIJA, vol. 63, (3), pp. 239-245
- Miljkovic Z., Vukovic N., Mitic M., Babic B.R (2013) New hybrid vision-based control approach for automated guided vehicles, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY, vol. 66, br. 1-4, str. 231-249
- Miljkovic Z., Mitic M., Lazarevic M., Babic B.R. (2013) Neural network Reinforcement Learning for visual control of robot manipulators, EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS, vol. 40, br. 5, str. 1721-1736
- Milačić, V., Kalajdžić M., Milutinović D., Čović N., Babić B., Robotic Environment in FMS, Engineering & Automation, International Journal, ISSN 0234-6206, Vol 3. (pp 10-20), (1992)
- Babić B., A Framework for Intelligent Design of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, Mathematical Modelling and Scientific Computing, Vol 8, 1997, ISSN 1067-0688
Papers presented on international conferences published in special editions:
- Milačić, V., Babić, B., An Approach to the Simulation for FMS Design and Cost Analysis, Information Control Problems in Manufacturing Technology 1989, eds.E.A. Puente and L. Nemes, (pp 251-255), ISBN: 0-08-037023-3, Elsevier, (1990)
- Babić B., Towards an intelligent system for FMS design, Balanced Automation Systems II - Implementation challenges for anthropocentric manufacturing, (pp. 349-346), Chapman & Hall, ISBN 0-412-78890-X, (1996)
- Miljković Z., Babić B., Adaptive Behaviour of Autonomous Mobile Robot Based on Heterogeneous Neural Networks, Advances in Systems, Signals, Control and Computers, Vol III,IAAMSAD and the South African branch of the Academy of Nonlinear Sciences, ISBN 0-620-23136-X, (pp. 129-133), South Africa (1998).
- Babić B., Putnik G., A hierarchical model of distributed simulation, Global Production Management, (pp. 26-33), Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISBN 0-7923-8605-1 (1999)
- Babić B., A Hierarchical Distributed Simulation for Virtual Manufacturing Systems, Development and Practice of Artificial Intelligence Techniques, (pp. 226-230), Published by IAAMSAD, Durban - South Africa, ISBN 0-620-24836-X, (1999)
- Miljković Z., Babić B., Decomposing functionality of the feature recognizer based on artificial neural network system, Development and Practice of Artificial Intelligence Techniques, (pp. 248-250), Published by IAAMSAD, Durban - South Africa, ISBN 0-620-24836-X, (1999)
- Milačić, V., Babić, B., A Contribution to the Simulation and Optimization Method for FMS, CIRP Manufacturing Systems, WISU-Verlag & Faculty Press International Ltd. Aachen, Vol 18, No. 3, ISSN: 0176-3377, (pp. 5-9), (1989)
Papers presented on international conferences published in proceedings:
- Babić B., Multi-agent architecture for Simulation of Distributed Manufacturing Systems, Journal of Applied Computer Science – Special Issue: Selected Applications of Artificial Intelligence, ISSN 1507-0360, Vol. 8 No. 2, (pp. 119-130), (2000).
- Miljković Z., Babić B., Machine-Part Family Formation by Using ART-1 Simulator and FLEXY, FME Transactions, Vol 33, Number 3, ISSN 1451-2092, (pp. 157- 162), (2005)
- Miljković Z., Babić B., Empirical Control Strategy for Learning Industrial Robot, FME Transactions, Vol 35, Number 1, ISSN 1451-2092, (pp. 1- 8), (2007)
- Milačić, V., Babić, B., Concept of FMS Design Machine, World Congress on Expert Systems, Proceedings (pp 658-665) Lisabon (1994)
- Babić B., Milačić V., Čović N., FLEXY - Intelligent System for FMS Design, The First World Congress on Intelligent Manufacturing Processes & Systems, Proceedings (pp 93-104), Puerto Rico (1995)
- Babić B., Development of an Intelligent CAD-CAPP Interface, International Conference on Intelligent Technologies in Human - Related Sciences ITHURS’96, Proceedings vol. II (pp.351-357), Leon - Spain, (1996)
- Babić B., Miljković Z., Feature Recognition as the Basis for Integration of CAD and CAPP systems, The Second World Congress on Intelligent Manufacturing Processes & Systems, Proceedings (pp 596-601), Budapest (1997)
- Putnik G.D., Sousa R.M., Moreira J.F., Carvalho J.D., Spasić Ž., Babić B., Distributed/Virtual Manufacturing System Cell: An Experimental Installation, The 4th International Seminar “Intelligent Manufacturing Systems - Theory and Practice”, (pp. 59-68), Beograd, (1998)
- Babić B., Architecture of distributed simulation system, International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering (ICMEN) (ed. K.-D. Bouzakis), (pp. 357-363), Greece, (2002)
- Babić J., Kalajdžić M., Babić B., A fully integrated process planning system for rotational parts, International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering (ICMEN) (ed. K.-D. Bouzakis), (pp. 365-372), Greece, (2002)
- Miljković Z., Babić B., Kalajdžić M., Manufacturing similarity identification in group technology design based on the “ART-1 simulator”, International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering (ICMEN) (ed. K.-D. Bouzakis), (pp. 325-335), Greece, (2002)
- Babić B., Framework for dynamic process planning and scheduling, 2nd International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering ICMEN 2005, pp. 721-729, Khalitea, Greece, ISBN 960-243-614-Χ, 2005.
- Babić,B., Bojović,B., Kalajdžić,M., Miljković,Z., Topography and Phase Images Investigation of the Used RGP Contact Lens Inner Surface, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering (ICMEN 2008) and EUREKA Brokerage Event, pp. 405-411, Kallithea of Chalkidiki, Greece, 1-3 October, 2008.
- Bojović,B., Kalajdžić,M., Miljković,Z., Babić, B., Fractal Approach for Substrates Surface Topography Image Evaluation, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering (ICMEN 2008) and EUREKA Brokerage Event, pp. 443-452, Kallithea of Chalkidiki, Greece, 1-3 October, 2008.
- Miljković,Z., Vuković,N., Babić,B., Mobile Robot Localization in a Manufacturing Environment, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering (ICMEN 2008) and EUREKA Brokerage Event, pp. 485-494, Kallithea of Chalkidiki, Greece, 1-3 October, 2008.
- Babić, J., Babić, B., Borovčanin, D., Marjanović, M., Robust Design Based on Synergetic Use of TRIZ and Axiomatic Design, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering (ICMEN 2011), pp. 197-204, Thessaloniki, Greece, 3-5 October, 2011.
- Babić, B., Nešić, N., Miljković, Z., Automatic Feature Recognition System for Prismatic Parts Using STEP-based Feature Extraction and ANN-based Pattern Recognition, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering (ICMEN 2011), pp. 295-304, Thessaloniki, Greece, 3-5 October, 2011.
- Vuković, N., Miljković, Z., Babić, B., Čović, N., Towards Implementation of Intelligent Mobile Robots in a Manufacturing Environment, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering (ICMEN 2011), pp. 367-376, Thessaloniki, Greece, 3-5 October, 2011.
- Miljković, Z., Mitić, M., Babić, B., Diryag, A., Q-Learning Algorithm for a Mobile Robot Obstacle Avoidance in an Unknown Environment Based on Artificial Neural Networks, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering (ICMEN 2011), pp. 431-440, Thessaloniki, Greece, 3-5 October, 2011.