Bachelor of science (BSc),
University of Belgrade - Faculty of
Mechanical Engineering, Production Engineering
of science (MSc), University of Belgrade -
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Production
Engineering Department
PhD in Mechanical engineering,
University of Belgrade - Faculty of Mechanical
Engineering, Production Engineering Department
Assistant Professor at the Production
Engineering Department, University of Belgrade
- Faculty of Mechanical
Teaching and Research Assistant at
the Production Engineering Department,
University of Belgrade - Faculty
of Mechanical
Research Assistant at the Production
Engineering Department, University of Belgrade -
Faculty of Mechanical
BEST (Board of European
Students of Technology) Award
for Doctoral Dissertation
Master Thesis Award
Winner of the annual award of the Belgrade
Chamber of Commerce for the best master thesis
in the academic year 2009/2010
Best Presentation Award Winner of the award for the best
presentation of young researcher (under 30 years
old) on the 34th International Conference on
Production Engineering
- 2010
Best Student Awards
Five best student awards
2009 - 2010
Young Talents Fund
Scholarship of the Serbian Government
Awarded in
recognition for results during master
studies (award
given to the top 1000 students in Serbia)
2007 - 2011
awarded by the „Seine et Sava“
Association, Paris, France
Awarded in
recognition for results during bachelor and
master studies
2001 - 2005
Scholarship of the
Serbian Government
Scholarship awarded
by Serbian Ministry for Science and
Awarded in recognition for results during
secondary education
2005 - 2009
Scholarship for undergraduate/graduate
students from Serbian Ministry for
Science and Technology
2011 - 2013
awarded by the Belgrade student association
Systems with Applications (ISSN 0957-4174)
– United Kingdom; IF 3.928; Applied
Soft Computing (ISSN 1568-4946) – United
Kingdom; IF 3.541; Swarm Intelligence
(ISSN print 1935-3812, ISSN online 1935-382) –
Springer US; IF 3.115; Swarm and
Evolutionary Computation (ISSN 2210-6502);
IF 3.893; Steel and Composite Structures
(ISSN print 1229-9367, ISSN online 1598-6233) –
Korea; IF 3.198; International Journal of
Computer Integrated Manufacturing (ISSN
0951-192X) – United Kingdom; IF 1.949; Advances
in Production Engineering & Management
(ISSN print 1854-6250); ISSN online 1855-6531) –
Slovenia; Journal of Computational Methods
in Sciences and Engineering (ISSN print
1472-7978; ISSN 1875-8983) – Netherlands; International
Journal of Bio-Inspired Computation.
Symposium Series on Computational
More than 30 refereed journal
papers, conference publications and
book-chapters, 8 technical solutions.
Cited more 100 times, h-index = 5
(source Google Scholar).
Information technologies
in production engineering, Program activity
"Development of Higher Education", Ministry of
Education, Science and Technological
Development, Belgrade, 2017-2018.
An Innovative Ecologically
based Approach to Implementation of Intelligent
Manufacturing Systems for Production of Sheet
Metal Parts. Project financed by the Ministry of
Education, Science and Technological Development
of the Serbian Government, Grant No. TR35004 (6
annual final reports), 2011-2017.
[1] Vuković, N.,
Petrović, M., Miljković, Z., A comprehensive
experimental evaluation of orthogonal polynomial
expanded random vector functional link neural
networks for regression, Applied Soft Computing
(ISSN 1568-4946), Article in Press (accepted 2
October 2017), Elsevier, (First Online: 12 October
2017; DOI:,,
(Science Citation Index-Web of Science® – IF = 3,541
(2016) → М21; source KoBSON)
[2] Mitić,M., Vuković,N.,
Petrović,M., Miljković,Z., Chaotic metaheuristic
algorithms for learning and reproduction of robot
motion trajectories, Neural Computing and
Applications (ISSN 0941-0643), Springer-Verlag
London Ltd., United Kingdom, (First Online: 03
December 2016; DOI: 10.1007/s00521-016-2717-6),
(Science Citation Index-Web of Science® – IF = 2,505
(2016); source KoBSON)
[3] Miljković,Z., Petrović,M.,
Application of modified multi-objective particle
swarm optimisation algorithm for flexible process
planning problem, International Journal of Computer
Integrated Manufacturing (Print ISSN: 0951-192X),
Vol. 30 Issue: 2-3, pp. 271-291, Taylor &
Francis Group, United Kingdom, 2017. (Online ISSN
1362-3052_Available online: 17 February 2016_First™
Articles; DOI: 10.1080/0951192X.2016.1145804)
(Science Citation Index-Web of Science® – IF = 1,949
(2016); source KoBSON)
[4] Petrović,M., Vuković,N.,
Mitić,M., Miljković,Z. Integration of process
planning and scheduling using chaotic particle swarm
optimization algorithm, Journal Expert Systems with
Applications (ISSN 0957-4174), Vol. 64, pp. 569-588,
Elsevier, 1 December 2016. (Available online: 4
August 2016; DOI: 10.1016/j.eswa.2016.08.019
(Science Citation Index-Web of Science® – IF = 3,928
(2016); source KoBSON)
[5] Petrović,M., Mitić,M.,
Vuković,N., Miljković,Z., Chaotic particle swarm
optimization algorithm for flexible process
planning, The International Journal of Advanced
Manufacturing Technology (Print ISSN 0268-3768),
Vol. 85 Issue: 9, pp. 2535-2555, Springer-Verlag
London Ltd., 2016. (Online ISSN 1433-3015_Available
online: 19 November 2015_First™ Articles; DOI:
10.1007/s00170-015-7991-4), (Science
Citation Index-Web of Science® – IF = 2,209 (2016);
source KoBSON)
[6] Mitić,M., Vuković,N.,
Petrović,M., Miljković,Z., Chaotic fruit fly
optimization algorithm, Knowledge-Based Systems
(ISSN 0950-7051), Vol. 89, pp. 446-458, Elsevier BV,
Netherlands, November 2015. (Online_first published
on August 22, 2015 as DOI:
(Science Citation Index-Web of Science® – IF = 3,325
(2015); source KoBSON)
[7] Petrović,M., Miljković,Z.,
Babić,B., Vuković,N., Čović,N., Towards a Conceptual
Design of Intelligent Material Transport Using
Artificial Intelligence, Strojarstvo (ISSN
0562-1887), UDK: 62(05)=862=20=30, Vol. 54 No. 3,
pp. 205-219, Published by Croatian Union of
Mechanical Engineers and Naval Architects, June
(Science Citation Index-Web of Science® – IF = 0,222
(2010); source KoBSON)
[8] Petrović,M., Miljković,Z.,
Babić,B., Integration of Process Planning,
Scheduling, and Mobile Robot Navigation Based on
TRIZ and Multi-Agent Methodology, FME Transactions
(ISSN 1451-2092), New Series, Vol. 41 No. 2, pp.
120-129, University of Belgrade – Faculty of
Mechanical Engineering, June 2013.
[9] Petrović,M.,
Miljković,Z., Biologically Inspired Optimization
Algorithms for Flexible Process Planning, Scientific
paper printed in „Proceedings of 5th International
Conference on Advanced Manufacturing Engineering and
Technologies – NEWTECH 2017“ by Vidosav Majstorović
and Živana Jakovljević (Editors) within Series Title
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering (LNME),
Published by Springer International Publishing AG
2017 (Series ISSN 2195-4356) and (eBook ISBN
978-3-319-56430-2), 6330 Cham, Switzerland,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-56430-2_31, pp. 417-428, June
7-9, 2017.
[12] Petrović, M.,
Petronijević,J., Mitić,M., Vuković,N., Plemić, A.,
Miljković,Z., Babić,B., Тhe ant lion optimization
algorithm for flexible process planning, Journal of
Production Engineering (ISSN 1821-4932), Vol. 18,
No. 2, pp. 65-68, University of Novi Sad – Faculty
of Technical Sciences, Novi Sad, Serbia, 2015, and
in Proceedings of the 12th International Scientific
Conference MMA 2015 - Advanced Production
Technologies, pp. 125-128, Novi Sad, Serbia, 25-26
September, 2015,
[13] Petrović,M., Miljković,Z.,
Babić,B., Artificial intelligence in conceptual
design of intelligent manufacturing systems: A state
of the art review, TEHNIKA-Mašinstvo (ISSN
0040-2176), Vol.68 br.5, (in Serbian) pp. 873-885,
[14] Rusov,M.,
Petrović,M., Miljković,Z., Design and control of
educational mobile robot for material transport in
intelligent manufacturing system, Proceedings of the
First International Student Scientific Conference
RESEARCH”, Central Institute for Conservation,
Belgrade, Serbia, 25-26 November, 2017.
[15] Jokić,A., Petrović,M.,
Miljković,Z., Implementation of image-based visual
servoing for nonholonomic mobile robot control,
Proceedings of the First International Student
CONTEMPORARY RESEARCH”, Central Institute for
Conservation, Belgrade, Serbia, 25-26 November,
[17] Petrović,M., Miljković,Z.,
Single mobile robot scheduling in manufacturing
environment, Proceedings of the 6th International
Conference on Manufacturing Engineering (ICMEN
2017), accepted, Thessaloniki, Greece, 5-6 October,
[18] Petrović,M., Miljković,Z.,
Biologically Inspired Optimization Algorithms for
Flexible Process Planning, Proceedings of 5th
International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing
Engineering and Technologies – NEWTECH 2017, pp.
417-428, Belgrade, Serbia, 5-9 June, 2017.
[19] Petronijević,J., Petrović,M.,
Vuković,N., Mitić,M., Babić,B., Miljković,Z.,
Multi-agent modeling for integrated process planning
and scheduling, Proceedings of the 12th
International Scientific Conference MMA 2015 -
Advanced Production Technologies, pp. 121-124, Novi
Sad, Serbia, 25-26 September, 2015.
[20] Petrović,M., Mitić,M.,
Vuković,N., Petronijević,J., Miljković,Z., Babić,B.,
Modified Chaotic Particle Swarm Optimization
Algorithm for Flexible Process Planning, The 8th
International Working Conference ”Total Quality
Management – Advanced and Intelligent Approaches”,
Published in Conference Proceedings (ISBN
978-86-7083-858-1), pp. 221-228, and in
International Journal Advanced Quality (ISSN
2217-8538), Vol. 43 No. 3, pp. 25-32, Belgrade,
Serbia, 1-5 June, 2015.
[21] Vuković,N., Mitić,M.,
Petrović, M., Petronijević,J., Miljković,Z.,
Experimental Evaluation of Growing and Pruning Hyper
Basis Function Neural Networks Trained with Extended
Information Filter, Proceedings of the 5th
International Conference on Information Society and
Technology (ICIST 2015), pp. 89-94, Kopaonik,
Serbia, 8-11 March, 2015.
[22] Mitić,M., Vuković,N.,
Petrović,M., Petronijević,J., Diryag,A.,
Miljković,Z., Bioinspired metaheuristic algorithms
for global optimization, Proceedings of the 5th
International Conference on Information Society and
Technology (ICIST 2015), pp. 38-42, Kopaonik,
Serbia, 8-11 March, 2015.
[23] Petrović,M., Miljković,Z.,
Vuković,N., Petronijević,J., Babić,B., Integration
of Process Planning and Scheduling using Modified
Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm, Proceedings
of the 5th International Conference on Manufacturing
Engineering (ICMEN 2014), pp. 109-118, Thessaloniki,
Greece, 1-3 October, 2014.
[24] Vuković,N., Miljković,Z.,
Mitić,M., Petrović,M., Mohamed A. Husen, Neural
extended Kalman filter for state estimation of
Automated Guided Vehicle in manufacturing
environment, Proceedings of the 35th International
Conference on Production Engineering, pp. 331-335,
Kopaonik, Serbia, 25-28 September, 2013.
[25] Vuković,N., Miljković,Z.,
Mitić,M., Petrović,M., Learning Motion Trajectories
of Differential Drive Mobile Robot Using Gaussian
Mixtures and Hidden Markov Model, Proceedings of the
Fourth Serbian (29th Yu) Congress on Theoretical and
Applied Mechanics, pp. 165-170, Vrnjačka Banja,
Serbia, 4-7 June, 2013.
[26] Petrović,M., Miljković,Z.,
Babić,B., Optimization of Operation Sequencing in
CAPP Using Hybrid Genetic Algorithm and Simulated
Annealing Approach, Proceedings of the 11th
International Scientific Conference MMA 2012 -
Advanced Production Technologies, pp. 285-288, Novi
Sad, Serbia, 20-21 September, 2012.
[27] Petrović,M., Miljković,Z.,
Babić,B., Vuković,N., Čović,N., Towards a Conceptual
Design of an Intelligent Material Transport Based on
Machine Learning and Axiomatic Design Theory,
Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on
Production Engineering, pp. 389-392, Niš, Serbia,
28-30 September, 2011. (Best Presentation Award).
[28] Bojović,B., Kojić, D.,
Miljković,Z., Babić,B., Petrović, M., Friction Force
Microscopy of Deep Drawing Made Surfaces,
Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on
Production Engineering, pp. 531-534, Niš, Serbia,
28-30 September, 2011.
[29] Bojović, B., Petrović, M.,
Miljković, Z., Babić, B., Matija, L., Lubrication
Prediction in Digital Manufacturing, Proceedings of
the 6th International Working Conference ”Total
Quality Management – Advanced and Intelligent
Approaches”, pp. 475-480, Belgrade, Serbia, 6-10
June, 2011.
[30] Petrović, M.,
Petronijević, J., Mitić, M., Vuković, N., Miljković,
Z., Babić, B., Particle swarm optimization algorithm
and chaos theory for integration of process planning
and scheduling, In 40th JUPITER Conference,
Proceedings - CD (in Serbian), pp. 3.22-3.32,
Belgrade, Serbia, 17-18 May, 2016. (Invited paper)
[31] Petronijević, J., Petrović,
M., Vuković, N., Mitić, M., Babić, B., Miljković,
Z., Multi-agent and holonic manufacturing systems
for process planning and scheduling, In 40th JUPITER
Conference, Proceedings - CD (in Serbian), pp.
3.63-3.68, Belgrade, Serbia, 17-18 May, 2016.
[32] Petrovic, M., Mitic M.,
Vukovic N., Miljkovic Z., Optimization of flexible
process planning based on particle swarm
optimization algorithm and chaos theory. In 39th
JUPITER Conference, Proceedings - CD (in Serbian),
pages 3.122–3.129, Belgrade, Serbia, 28-29 October,
[33] Petronijevic, J., Petrovic
M., Babic B., Miljkovic Z., Application of
multi-agent systems and particle swarm optimization
algorithm for flexible process planning, In 39th
JUPITER Conference, Proceedings - CD (in Serbian),
pp. 3.114-3.121, Belgrade, Serbia, 28-29 October,
[34] Babic B., Miljkovic Z.,
Bugaric U., Bojovic B., Vukovic N., Mitic M.,
Petrovic M., Application of the ecologically based
approaches to implementation of intelligent
manufacturing systems for production of sheet metal
parts - overview of research results within the
project TR-35004. In 38th JUPITER Conference,
Proceedings - CD (in Serbian), Introduction paper,
pages UR.67–UR.75, Belgrade, Serbia, 15-16 May,
[35] Petrović,M., Danilov,I.,
Lukić,N., Glavonjić,M., Kokotović,B.: Mechanistic
Approach to Identification of the Specific Force
Coefficients, In 37th JUPITER Conference,
Proceedings - CD (in Serbian), pp. 3.93-3.102,
Belgrade, Serbia, 10-11 May, 2011.
[36] Petrović,M., Miljković,Z.,
Babić,B., Čović,N.: Artificial Neural Networks and
Axiomatic Design Theory in Conceptual Design of
Intelligent Material Transport, In 37th JUPITER
Conference, Proceedings - CD (in Serbian), pp.
3.72-3.79, Belgrade, Serbia, 10-11 May, 2011.
[37] Petrović,M., Lukić,N.,
Vuković,N., Miljković,Z.: Mobile Robot for Material
Transport in Intelligent Manufacturing System –
Education and Development, In 36th JUPITER
Conference, Proceedings - CD (in Serbian), pp.
3.85-3.90, Belgrade, Serbia, 11-12 May, 2010.
Petrovic, M., Miljkovic, Z., Vukovic, N.,
Optimization of flexible process planning by using
Ant Lion Optimization algorithm. Technical report,
University of Belgrade - Faculty of Mechanical
Engineering, Kraljice Marije 16, 11120 Belgrade,
Serbia, 2016.
2) Petrovic, M., Petronijevic, J.,
Mitic, M., Vukovic, N., Miljkovic, Z., Babic, B.,
Integrated process planning and scheduling based on
particle swarm optimization algorithm and chaos
theory. Technical report, University of Belgrade -
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Kraljice Marije
16, 11120 Belgrade, Serbia, 2015.
3) Petronijevic, J., Petrovic, M.,
Vukovic, N., Mitic, M., Babic, B., Miljkovic, Z.,
Multi-agent system for dynamic integrated process
planning and scheduling. Technical report,
University of Belgrade - Faculty of Mechanical
Engineering, Kraljice Marije 16, 11120 Belgrade,
Serbia, 2015.
4) Petrovic, M., Petronijevic, J.,
Vukovic, N., Mitic, M., Miljkovic, Z., Babic, B.,
Integrated process planning and scheduling based on
multi-agent systems and artificial intelligence.
Technical report, University of Belgrade - Faculty
of Mechanical Engineering, Kraljice Marije 16, 11120
Belgrade, Serbia, December 2014.
5) Mitic, M., Vukovic, N.,
Petrovic, M., Petronijevic, J., Miljkovic, Z.,
Lazarevic, I., Reproduction of complex mobile robot
trajectories based on bio-inspired algorithms.
Technical report, University of Belgrade - Faculty
of Mechanical Engineering, Kraljice Marije 16, 11120
Belgrade, Serbia, December 2014.
6) Petrovic, M., Miljkovic, Z.,
Vukovic, N., Babic, B., Petronijevic, J.,
Optimization of flexible process planning based on
hybrid metaheuristic algorithm. Technical report,
University of Belgrade - Faculty of Mechanical
Engineering, Kraljice Marije 16, 11120 Belgrade,
Serbia, December 2013.
7) Vukovic, N., Miljkovic, Z.,
Mitic, M., Petrovic, M., New algorithm for
simultaneous localization and mapping of a mobile
robot based on the integration of extended Kalman
filter, neural networks and camera information.
Technical report, University of Belgrade - Faculty
of Mechanical Engineering, Kraljice Marije 16, 11120
Belgrade, Serbia, December 2012.
8) Vukovic, N., Miljkovic, Z.,
Mitic, M., Babic, B., Petrovic, M., Hybrid algorithm
for control and estimation of mobile robot pose
based on calibrated camera. Technical report,
University of Belgrade - Faculty of Mechanical
Engineering, Kraljice Marije 16, 11120 Belgrade,
Serbia, December 2011.