The aims of introducing new technologies to production are top quality products, low-cost and short-time manufacturing process. This course is intended for students of the Production Engineering Department. Students are familiarized with modern technologies that make possible to extend knowledge acquired in Manufacturing Technology and Production Technologies and Metrology.
Having successfully mastered the teaching contents of New Technologies, the student should be able to: design technology for building complex machine parts, design technology for manufacturing of cutting tools, tools for processing plastic masses, forging tools, supply and maintenance of accessories.
AN-1: Introduction to new technologies; AN-2: Contemporary tools and tool materials; AN-3: Technology of synthesis; AN-4: Finish cutting technologies; AN-5: Machining technology by abrasive suspension; AN-6: Technology of powder metallurgy; AN-7: Technology of polymer shaping; AN-8: Forging technology; AR-1: Consolidation of teaching contents through presentation of new technologies; AR-2: Survey of contemporary cutting tools and tool materials application; AR-3: Demonstration of technology of synthesis; AR-4: Consolidation of teaching contents related to finish cutting methods; AR-5: Giving instructions for the design of tools for building machine parts from plastic masses; AR-6: Giving instructions for forging tools design;
PP-1: Design of tools for building machine parts from plastic masses or forging tools design (students opt for the design of one of the offered tools); PL-1: Standard and special cutting tools (tool material, geometrical shapes of tools, tool assembly, and tool use); PL-2: Application of machining technology by abrasive suspension (demonstration on concrete examples); PL-3: Tools for building machine parts from plastic masses (components, molding systems, assembly, exploitation characteristics; PL-4: Forging tools (components, casting systems, assembly, exploitation characteristics).
1.Handouts (PDF files) (18.) /In Serbian/2. Kalajdžić M., Manufacturing technology, FME, Belgrade, 2005 (18.2) /In Serbian/ 3. Laboratory equipment (tools and machines) at IMT (18.12) 4. SAx software work station (CAD, CAM, CAE, CAPP,…), (CAX) (18.13)