Integration of computerized activities of a digital enterprise. Information integration of an enterprise. Functional integration of an enterprise. Integration of knowledge acquired from other courses lectured at the Production Engineering Department. Integration of hardware and software components of manufacturing-business systems. Management of industrial complex systems. Application of new IC technologies. Diploma work and applying for a job.
The student understands the effects of business operations in enterprises with integrated systems and technologies. He combines knowledge and skills developed from other courses at the Production Engineering Department. He is able to apply new IC technologies. He is able to critically evaluate manufacturing-business systems and technologies. He is trained to conduct business meetings. He designs and modifies computerized systems. He is competent in the software and hardware integration. He participates in design teams.
Integration of manufacturing, information, communication and education technologies. Neutral information description of the overall life cycle of a product. Information modeling of an enterprise. Functional modeling of an enterprise. A general model of information integration. Integration of engineering, manufacturing and business activities. General theory of system composing and decomposing. Interfaces for product data transfer. Model of virtual manufacturing-business system. Digital enterprise. Integration of conventional and intelligent components. Integrated information resource. Information connection to other business partners. Subsystems of an integrated enterprise. Electronic filing of information. Integrated system of quality provision. Communication networks, protocols, services. Methodology of introducing integrated systems and technologies.
Calculations for enthropy in information-communication system. Neutral information description of the overall life cycle of a product. Information modeling of an enterprise. Functional modeling of an enterprise. Methodology of subsystems and modules analyses and syntheses. Description of enterprise’s business operations. Data/knowledge base. Output report design and business decision-making. Systems for data browsing. Information-based connection with business partners. Company model for training distance learning in university education in the university – industry synergy.
Spasić, Ž., Integrated systems of digital university quality, FME, 2007 /In Serbian/. Spasić, Ž., Computeriyed integrated systems and technologies, Textbook (in preparation) /In Serbian/. Spasić, Ž. et al., Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Belgrade University – Mission on the road to European integrations, FME, 2003 /In Serbian/. Milačić, V., Spasić, Ž., Computerized integrated technological systems, FME, 1990 /In Serbian/. Spasić, Ž. et al., Information integration of enterprises – CIM integration of management and quality, FME, 1994 /In Serbian/.