1.Acquisition of new knowledge about standardized management systems and good practice in diverse areas and sub-systems of manufacturing-technological systems. 2. Acquisition of knowledge and development of skills in: - basic concepts, development and management system standardized models, - demands and application of these systems in practice, - investigations in the IMS area, - further development of these models.
Having successfully mastered the contents of this course, the student should be able to understand and solve problems concerning contemporary approaches to quality management and other standardized models based on systemic approach in business and technological systems. The knowledge acquired will assist future engineers in our economy management, business operations’ demands at EU markets and those of other developed countries, relevant to standardized management systems.
Theoretical teaching comprises 10 teaching units: 1. Development of systemic approach to quality management (QM). The QM principles. ISO 9000 and the models derived (AS, TL, VDA 6.1, ISO 16949, ISO 13485…). 2. ISO 9000/9001/9004. Models and demands. Application. Continuous upgrading. 3. ISO 14000, OHSAS 18001, ISO 19011. Models and demands. Application. Sustainable development. 4. ISO 22000 series. The NASSR concept. Models, demands and application. 5. Laboratories accreditation. Models ISO 17025/15189. Models, demands, application. 6. ISO 27001, ISO/IEC 15408, BS 6072. Good manufacturing, laboratory, packing and transport practices (GMP/GLP/GPP/GTP). 7. EU directives and CE marking. Structure, demands, integration and application. 8. Certification/accreditation system (national/international). Quality national/EU infrastructure. Models and practical application. 9. Integrated management systems (IMS). PAS 99 – integration and structure. 10. IMS design. IMS documentation and structure. Further IMS development.
1.IMS project design for a company. For the concrete company, IMS project involves: Analysis of standard demands based on the demands of the company’s business operations; IMS structure design; Defining the IMS information structure and development of IMS documentation (one level); Example creation and pilot test; Public presentation of the project e-version, its defense and discussion. 2. IMS in practice – discussion and workshop. How to approach and realize IMS project in practice. Possible problems and how to overcome them.
1.Handouts for each teaching unit /In Serbian/ 2. Instructions for homework assignments and laboratory exercises /In Serbian/ 3. Integrated management systems (Textbook in preparation) /In Serbian/4. Web site for this course contains materials for 1. and 2. and a list of references as well as links to relevant sites. 5. Technical equipment – Lab for manufacturing metrology and TQM that has adequate equipment and licensed software.