1.New knowledge of flexible metrological automation for solving ALL metrological problems in ENGINEERING, especially in production engineering. 2. Students should be equipped with new knowledge and skills relevant to: - basic concepts, development and application of NCMM in engineering practice for measuring, control and inspection of all types of tolerances, - research in the domain of NCMM, - further development of NCMM.
Having successfully acquired the teaching contents of this course, the student should be able to understand and solve metrological problems and apply the NCMM to technological systems. He should be able to efficiently understand engineering metrological problems and solve them by using the concept of flexible metrological automation.
1.Development of the FA concept in PM. Generations in the NCMM development. Basic characteristics. Application. Software development for NCMM. 2. Detailed analysis of the fifth NCMM generation. 3. NCMM software support. General purpose software. Specific purpose software. Characteristics and application. Software development for NCMM. Integration. 4. NCMM programming. Off/on-line programming. Metrological model of a single part. Metrological primitives. 5. NCMM accuracy parameters. Testing the NCMM accuracy. Standards for NCMM testing. 6. NCMM integration into technological structures. FMM, FMC, FMS. NCMM characteristics and function. Derived solutions. 7. Selected examples of NCMM application in industry. NCMM choice and effects of its application. Costs of NCMM application. 8. CAI model. Product metrological model. Expert systems for inspection planning on NCMM. 9. Research activities in NCMM. Virtual NCMM. Intelligent NCMM.
1.Ten laboratory exercises. NCMM – basic structure and coordinate systems; determination of the angular measuring coordinate system /measuring, control and inspection; defining of geometrical and metrological primitive; NCMM programming; inspection of length tolerance/; inspection of position tolerance; inspection of shape tolerance; gear inspection; camshaft and curve inspection; curved surface inspection. 2. NCMM in practice – discussions and workshops. Analysis and synthesis of technical-technological documentation with respect to defining the metrological tasks for NCMM.
1.Handouts for each lecture /In Serbian/. 2. Instructions for lab exercises /In Serbian/. 3. Coordinate measuring machines (Textbook in preparation) /In Serbian/. 4. Web site for this course contains materials for 1. and 2. and a list of references as well as links to relevant web sites. 5. Technical equipment – lab for manufacturing metrology and TQM that has adequate equipment and licensed software.