The student should acquire fundamental knowledge of industrial robots (basic subsystems, their functioning variants and realization), knowledge needed for robot design, robotized workplaces design, robot programming, develop capability for further dealing with subject matter of the discipline.
Fundamental knowledge of robots and current issues in their design, building and application. Knowledge needed for robot design. Capability to perceive the importance of robot application (effects on productivity, flexibility, product quality and humanization of work). Knowledge and skills for introducing of robots to the plant/factory. Practical experience in robot programming.
New teaching contents: 1. Definitions, functional structure of a robot, with subsystem description, classification. 2. Robot kinematics: spatial descriptions and transformations, direct and inverse kinematics problem. 3. Robot control. Control system structure. Single axis control (drive and measuring system, transmission system). Types of control (PTP and CP). 4. Sensors, internal and external. End effectors, grippers, and tools. 5. Robot programming, methods. Robot programming languages. 6. Robot application. Robot cell layouts and cycle time analysis. Manipulation and process tasks, assembly, techno-economic analysis. Explanations of new teaching contents. 1. Robot mechanical structure – manipulator. 2. Description of orientation. Algorithm of associating coordinate systems to segments. The Jacobian. 3. Recognition systems.
Practical teaching: Five auditorial exercises: Kinematics of manipulators. Analysis of drive systems, measuring systems, transmission systems. End effectors. Robot programming. Robot application. 2. Four calculation tasks: Spatial relations and transformations. Robot kinematics and cycle time analysis. Distribution of three calculation tasks relates to all these areas. 3. Three laboratory exercises: Robot kinematic (mechanical) structure – manipulator. Drive systems, measuring systems, transmission systems. Robot programming. 4. Seminar work: robot kinematics, programming, cycle time analysis.
1.Textbook: Industrial robots by D. Milutinović (in preparation)/In Serbian/2. Handouts for each lecture /In Serbian/ 3. Instructions for doing tasks, lab exercises and seminar work /In Serbian/ 4. The Course site ( containing references and addresses of robot manufacturers and respective institutions (IFR, RIA, JARA, CIRP...). 5. Facility: Laboratory for industrial robotics and artificial intelligence, with 4 industrial robots, robot languages PASRO and software for simulation and programming WORKSPACE 5 and teaching aids.