The aim of the course is to acquaint the student with the application, design and introduction of contemporary manufacturing automation, with the use of computer simulation, to develop student skills for practical problem solving in automation, with the use of computer simulation, and to develop student proficiency in scientific methods of modeling computer simulation in manufacturing automation using contemporary simulation software.
The student should understand the principles of computer simulation application in manufacturing automation, approach critically the effects of computer simulation application in automation, link knowledge from related subjects so as to apply it to computer simulation in automation, be proficient in scientific methods and theory of computer simulation for the manufacturing automation systems, be able of problem-solving in a critical manner and of applying contemporary software in automation simulation.
1.Computer simulation in automation. Continuous and discrete models. Deterministic and stochastic simulation. 2. Stochastic simulation. Sampling methods and random numbers. Monte Carlo simulation. 3. Discrete events simulation. Elements, object and operations in simulation. Activities cycle diagram. Simulation model building. 4. Software for discrete events simulation. Programming languages and simulation model programming. 5. Discrete events simulation project and simulation experiment. 6. Simulations in automation. Simulation models of fixed, programmable and flexible automation. 7. Continuous systems simulation. Formal model of continuous systems. Continuous systems with feedback. 8. Virtual manufacturing and simulation. Virtual manufacturing systems.
1.Auditorial exercises: tasks in stochastic simulation and Monte Carlo simulation, discrete events simulation, continuous systems simulation, and examples of simulation application in flexible and programmable automation. 2. Laboratory exercises. 3. Project: design of the example of automation with simulation model building, creation of the activities cycle diagram, creation of graphic models for simulation objects, design of simulation output: by programming, simulation experiment, results presentation and simulation model revision.
1.Pilipović, M. Computer simulation in manufacturing automation, FME, Belgrade (Textbook in preparation) /In Serbian/, КПН 2. Carrie, A. Simulations of manufacturing systems, John Willey & Sons, New York, 1988, КДА 3. Computers for simulation programming, Lab for manufacturing automation, ИКТ/РРС. 4. Arena software for simulation, Lab for manufacturing automation, ИКТ/РРО.