1.Perception of different levels of the new generation of machine tools and robots concept. 2. Acquisition of basics of reconfigurable, high-speed, meso- and micro-machines and high-accuracy machine tools. 3. Practical knowledge about parallel kinematic machines and machines for material addition processes and multi-axial machining. 4. Development of programming skills relevant for the new generation of machine tools and robots. 5. Development of report-making skills.
1.Knowledge about the types and use of the new generation of machine tools and robots. 2. Knowledge about different levels of the new generation of machine tools and robots concept. 3. Skill to cope with the new generation of machine tools and robots environment and to choose and prepare those machines for operation. 4. Developed programming skills relevant for numerically controlled new generation of machine tools and robots. 5. Knowledge about new numerically controlled systems.
New teaching contents: (T1) Definition and classification of the new generation of machine tools and robots. (T2) Reconfigurable machine tools. (T3) High-speed machine tools. (T4) Machines for material addition processes. (T5) Parallel kinematic machines concepts. (T6) Identification of geometry and kinematics in parallel kinematic machines. (T7) Multi-axial machine tools. (T8) Multi-axial machining robots. (T9) Meso- and micro-machines. (T10) High-accuracy machine tools. Extension: (a) Extension of (T1) and calculation tasks relevant for parallel kinematic machines geometry. (b) Extension of (T2) and calculation tasks relevant for parallel kinematic machines. (c) Extension of (T3) using the examples of meso- and micro-machines. (d) Extension of (T4) using the examples of machine tool calibration. (e) Extension of (T5) using the examples of compensations in the machining system.
Practical teaching involves auditorial exercises, laboratory work and seminar work writing: 1. Auditorial exercises: (1) Resources for studying the new generation of machine tools and robots. (2) Analysis of reconfigurable machines. (3) Machine tool calibration and compensations in the machining system. 2. Laboratory exercises: (1) Programming of machines for material addition processes. (2) Programming of functional simulator for parallel kinematic machine. (3) Programming of parallel kinematic machines. (4) Programming of multi-axial machining. Instructions are provided for each exercise and the necessary work sheets. 3. A seminar work on the new generation of machine tools and robots. A report is written on the knowledge acquired during the course according to instructions and model provided at the start of the course. A part of the report is a seminar work.
ПРА-1: Praktikum (in preparation) /In Serbian/. ДВЛ-1: Handouts and materials presented on the site /In Serbian/. ЛПИ-1: Two work-places equipped with prototypes of the new generation of machine tools. ЛПИ-2: Two work-places equipped with prototypes of the new generation of robots. ЛПС-1: Functional simulators of parallel kinematic machines. ЛПС-2: Functional simulator of the machine for prototype building. ЦСП-1: Two work-places equipped with the software for programming of multi-axial machining.