The aim of the course in mechatronics systems is to provide a focused interdisciplinary theoretical knowledge and practical experience for undergraduate students that encompass fundamental elements from traditional courses in mechanical engineering, production engineering, electronics and computer control engineering. These elements include sensors and measurement theory, digital systems and computation, semiconductor electronics, servoactuators and motion control, machine tools and robotics, altogether focused in deeper understanding of mechatronics aspects of modern manufacturing systems design, i.e., design of CNC machine tools, industrial robots and flexible production lines, based on contemporary numerical and computer control technology.
Theoretical and practical knowledge how to design and select analog and digital circuits, microprocessor-based components, mechanical devices, sensors and actuators, and controls so that the manufacturing equipment, i.e., machine tools, manipulating robots and manufacturing lines achieve desired function. Deep understanding of basic principles of computer based numerical control systems and their application in machine tools, manipulating robots and industrial automation systems design. Microcontroller programming and hardware design skills.
Theoretical teaching is organized in four teaching units: 1) Importance and role of mechatronics in modern manufacturing systems design, 2) Digital systems, microprocessors and microcontrollers – basic digital modules, arithmetic logic unit, microprocessor, machine and assembly language, microcontroller architecture and programming, 3) Sensory systems, signal conditioning, measurements and signal processing – working principles and design of sensors for force, displacement and speed measurement, signal conditioning based on semiconductor electronics, fundamentals of digital signal processing, vision sensors and systems, and 4)Electrical servo drives and motion control – stepper and dc motor fundamentals, servo drivers and numerically controlled servo axis, motion control and interpolation, CNC system architecture .
Practical training is organized through laboratory exercises and project of mechatronics system design in the field of manufacturing technoloogy. LAB 1: Microcontroller – demonstration of development system based on Microchip PIC16F87 microcontroller, hardware architecture, microcontroller programming in assembler language, application development using high-level programming languages (MicroPascal, MicroC), working with digital and analogue signals, digital interfaces and microcontroller networking; LAB 2: Intelligent sensor systems in manufacturing – architecture of intelligent sensor system, design and operation of multi DOF force sensor based on strain gauge transducers, design and operation of laser triangulation sensor for highly accurate contactless displacement measurement, vision sensors and image analysis; LAB 3: Servodrives and motion control – brushless dc servomotor, servo driver architecture and technical details, servo axis configuration and tuning, contour motion control - synchronization of two servo axes and demonstration of various kinds of interpolation algorithms, performances evaluation, demonstration of CNC system architecture and its building blocks.
1. P.B.Petrović, Mechatronics systems in mechanical engineering (Textbook in preparation) /In Serbian/ 2. Handouts for each lecture. /In Serbian/ 3. Practicum for lab exercises /In Serbian/.