Instructions for paper writing


Number of pages: 6-8 pages

Text processor: MS Word

Font: Times New Roman 11

Summary: Times New Roman Italic 11, in English, French, German or Russian at the beginning of paper; in Serbian at the end of work (max 8 rows, typed full width between margins)

Left/Right margins: 2cm

Top/Bottom margins: 5cm /2 cm (prva strana); 2cm / 2 cm (остале стр.)

Spacing: 1 (single line spacing)

Title: Uppercase letter, 14pt, bold

Section heading: Uppercase letter, 11pt, bold

Subsection heading: Lowercase letter, 11pt, bold

References: minimal number of references is 5

Footnote: On the first page: 1 authors name, affiliation, е-mail; 2 funding

Paper submission: