Internet-based Quality Tool for a continuous Improvement of Product Development
University of Bucharest, Dept. of Mechatronic and Fine Mechanics, 313 Splaiul
Independentei, sector 6, 77206, Bucharest, Romania, e-mail:
of Grenoble-INPG, 3S Laboratory, BP 53, 38041 Grenoble cedex 9 France,e-mail:
In today competitive market, the customer
satisfaction is the critical factor for success. In addition, the concept of
continuous improvement means lower costs and higher profits.
The integrated system presented in this paper offers a comprehensive
solution for turning customer complaints into an opportunity for success. It is
based on quality principles and tools. The system manages relationships with
customers, consumers, suppliers, distributors and prospects, tracks complaints,
requests and activities resulting from these relationships as well as issues and
corrective actions resulting from internal investigations, facilitates
communication and provides a specific organization with consistent and easy
access to information. Through a customizable workflow, an establishment of
ownership, a due date reporting and automatic escalations, each customer is
guaranteed a timely and through response. Continuous improvements occur when
problems have been identified, root causes determined and solutions found. The
internal areas are user-defined and can be based on departments, production
lines, manufacturing facilities, etc. The internal areas have generally a
concern with the process improvement, the product defects and quality audits.
The system supports embedded keywords for automatic insertion of database
information. This system is client-oriented interface for the integrated design
quality systems. It has been implementing in a Romanian company.
Keywords: quality systems, co-operative tools, internet, integrated design