General Information about Department At the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, education in particular and research activities in the field of production engineering were designed to: (a) provide highly skilled engineers for industry and broader environment capable of solving complex tasks in the domain of production engineering; (b) educate highly creative engineers able to initiate the development and internationalization of all the activities in technological environments; (c) permanently improve education process and encourage students to acquire new knowledge, especially in the available laboratories. Production engineering covers three basic integrated areas: MANUFACTURING TECHNIQUES (machine tools, robots and manipulation systems, measurement and control machines, assembly systems, power systems and other components and elements), MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGIES (the existing technologies including application of computer technologies for process simulation and design) and MANUFACTURING CYBERNETICS (engineering design – CAD/CAM/CAE, computer integrated technologies etc). The Department of Production Engineering offers three study programs: BSc, MSc and PhD studies. The BSc study program embraces disciplines that equip students with ability to apply knowledge and understanding in a way that reflects an expert approach to work and profession in solving problems of production engineering area. The MSc study program covers disciplines that enable graduates in mechanical engineering to integrate knowledge, solve complex problems, owing to having developed critical thinking. This makes up the basis for continuation of studies that students are to choose by themselves. The basis of the up-to-date development of production engineering at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering is built up of scientific–research work realized through scientific-research projects based on long-term programs (three years at the most) but throughout a continuous process. Programs are created based on science and production engineering development in the world, primarily of developed countries, own research results and, lastly, development programs of our metal processing industry. Realization of research programs and achievement of expected results especially involve:
The CeNT working floor area is covered by the Institute for Machine Tools, professorial studies and new floor area already finished, and it can be used for planned purposes. The CeNT programs are conducted through appropriate laboratories. The laboratories are not to be taken as units in terms of space but comprehensive research programs and teams with appropriate support of research equipment. CeNT comprises the laboratories for: